Here are your results in chart form.
Place your mouse over the charts for further information, and click on the bars themselves to open up further charts. The scroll bar at the right will show you more bars if they exist.
Scroll down for more charts.
How you compare
1. The next chart shows you how your standard score from your last few tests compares to others. The further to the right, the better you compare.
All Tests
2. The next chart shows you all of your tests. It shows the average question time for the questions you actually looked at and the percentage you got correct, incorrect or left unanswered. Click on the bar to take you to that test.
Test Detail
3. The next chart shows you the detailed results of a test. It details the result and how long you spent on each question in the chosen test and ones you got correct, incorrect or left unanswered. If you did not look at a question, no bar will show. Place your mouse over the charts for further information.
Question Types
4. The next chart shows you how long you are spending on each type of question, on average, and the percentage you got correct, incorrect or left unanswered. It covers all the tests you have taken, but only includes questions you actually looked at. Place your mouse over the charts for further information, and click on the bars themselves to open up further help.
Standard Score
5. The next chart shows you how your performance is improving. It uses the atestingtime standardised score to let you compare your results over a period of time and all different levels of tests. The atestingtime standard score takes into account the levels of difficulty at which you are working, so all you have to do is make your standard score move up the chart. Getting more questions correct, in a shorter time, at a higher level of difficulty all improve your standard score!
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