The founders of atestingtime are an Oxford University Maths (BA Hons and MA) graduate with 25 years IT experience and a BEd Hons Primary School teacher and 11+ tutor with 20 years of education experience.
Following on from many years of personal experience with selective school entrance exams their aim was to provide access to an unlimited number of excellent quality online Non Verbal Reasoning tests along with a marking and self-assessment function that would support the parent and pupil alike."I haven't lived up to my ideals."
"None of us ever do" said Mrs Allen with a sigh. "But then, Anne, not failure but low aim is the crime. We must have ideals and try to live up to them even if we never quite succeed. Life would be a very sorry business without them. With them it's grand and great. Hold fast to your ideals, Anne."
Anne of Avonlea - L M Montgomery 1908
Straightforward, easy to access, online NVR testing, personalised for the student is now achievable in a reasonably priced format due to software advances and the latest in web technology. They hoped that with this kind of support, every child would achieve their full potential.